
Ernest Trova

Visionary at The Museum of Art - Deland, Florida
Ernest Trova: Visionary at The Museum of Art - Deland

From the Collections of Friedland Art, Inc. and Rock Walker, Walker Fine Art

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Ernest Trova (1927 - 2009) was among the most widely acknowledged sculptors working in the United States, resulting in invitations to exhibit in three Whitney Annuals, three Venice Biennales and Documenta 4 in Kassel, Germany. His work has been exhibited in dozens of major museums including the Museum of Modern Art, New York and the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis. Trova's sculptures are authentically contemporary in its achievement. Trova's iconic "Falling Man" theme, a focus of this exhibition, recalls the myth of Icarus, the man who dared a technological breakthrough - flight - and failed, falling from the sky. Trova's sleek walking figures are strong with a simplicity and posture of the somewhat androgynous statuettes found in Egyptian tombs from the reigns of Akhenaten and Tutankhaman. The physical anonymity suggests that man in the mass, in the parade of his generations on the earth, is largely identifiable by his dress, his emblems of rank and the tools of his profession.

Ernest Trova Edition Pieces

ITEM Trova-1
Ernest Trova :: Flapman
1970 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 100
14" x 6" x 6"
ITEM Trova-2
Ernest Trova :: Radial Hinge Figure #2
1986 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 101
13 1⁄2" x 3 3⁄4" x 3 3⁄4"
Edition of 8+2AP Lot 201
26" x 7 1⁄2" x 7 1⁄2"
ITEM Trova-3
Ernest Trova :: Double Walking Figure
1986 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 102
13" x 15 1⁄2" x 3"
Edition of 8+2AP Lot 202
24" x 26 1⁄2" x 5"
ITEM Trova-4
Ernest Trova :: Double Standing Figure
1985 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 103
12 3⁄4" x 14 1⁄2" x 3"
ITEM Trova-5
Ernest Trova :: Circle Figure
1985 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 104
17 1⁄2" x 11 1⁄4" x 4 1⁄2"
Edition of 8+2AP Lot 204
30" x 19" x 7 1⁄2"
Edition of 9 Lot 304:
88" x 48" x 23 1⁄2"
ITEM Trova-6
Ernest Trova :: AWF #2
1986 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 105
16" x 6" x 6"
Edition of 8+2AP Lot 205
29 7⁄8" x 10 1⁄2" x 6
ITEM Trova-7
Ernest Trova :: Backwrap Figure
1982 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 106:
16 1⁄2" x 5" x 5"
Edition of 8+1AP Lot 206:
32 1⁄2" x 13 3⁄4" x 8"
Edition of 9 Lot 306:
86" x 24" x 30"
ITEM Trova-8
Ernest Trova :: Figure in Sloped Box
1985 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 107:
8" x 11 1⁄2" x 2 3⁄4"
Edition of 8+2AP Lot 207:
15 1⁄2" x 15 7⁄8" x 5"
ITEM Trova-9
Ernest Trova :: Horizontal Circle Figure
1986 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 108:
16 1⁄2" x 11" x 9 1⁄2"
Edition of 8+2AP Lot 208:
30 1⁄4" x 18 1⁄2" x 16"
Edition of 6 Lot 308:
83" x 46 1⁄2" x 57"
ITEM Trova-10
Ernest Trova :: Horizontal Cut Figure
1970 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 109:
14 7⁄8" x 3 1⁄2" x 3 1⁄2"
ITEM Trova-11
Ernest Trova :: Overhead Figure
1984-85 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 110:
18" x 6" x 5"
Edition of 8+2AP Lot 310:
82" x 20" x 19"
ITEM Trova-12
Ernest Trova :: Pyramid Figure
1986 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 111:
11" x 14" x 12"
Edition of 8+2AP
Lot 211:
18" x 20" x 21"
ITEM Trova-13
Ernest Trova :: Radical Cut Figure
1976 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 112
17 3⁄4" x 6" x 4 1⁄2"
ITEM Trova-14
Ernest Trova :: Reverse Flowerman
1972 Stainelss Steel Edition of 6 Lot 313
83" x 17" x 20"
ITEM Trova-15
Ernest Trova :: New Cut Figure #1
1985 Stainless Steel Edition of 3+1AP Lot 116
17" x 10" x 2 1⁄2"
ITEM Trova-16
Ernest Trova :: New Cut Figure #2
1985 Stainless Steel Edition of 3+1AP Lot 117
18" x 10" x 3"
ITEM Trova-17
Ernest Trova :: New Cut Figure #3
1985 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 118:
15" x 7" x 2 3⁄4"
Edition of 8+2AP Lot 218:
28 1⁄4" x 13 7⁄8" x 4 3⁄4"
Edition of 3 Lot 318:
79 1⁄2" x 42" x 13 1⁄4"
ITEM Trova-18
Ernest Trova :: Flowing Man
1972 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 119
13 1⁄2" x 39" x 7"
ITEM Trova-19
Ernest Trova :: Figure in Sphere
1986 Stainless Steel Edition of 9 Lot 320:
50" x 73" x 48"
ITEM Trova-20
Ernest Trova :: Seated Figure I
1986 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 121:
8 3⁄4" x 10 1⁄2" x 2 3⁄4"
Edition of 9+2AP Lot 221:
15" x 18" x 5"
Edition of 6 Lot 321:
45 1⁄4" x 53 1⁄2" x 14 1⁄4"
ITEM Trova-21
Ernest Trova :: Standing Figure #2
1986 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 122:
14 1⁄4" x 4 1⁄2" x 4 1⁄2"
Edition of 8+2AP Lot 222:
28 3⁄4" x8" x 8"
ITEM Trova-22
Ernest Trova :: Walking Figure #2
1986 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 123:
14 1⁄2" x 7 1⁄4" x 4"
Edition of 8+2AP Lot 223:
28" x 13" x 7 1⁄2"
ITEM Trova-23
Ernest Trova :: Tableman
1979 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 124:
14 1⁄4" x 7 1⁄2" x 7 1⁄4"
Edition of 10 Lot 224:
31" x 16" x 5"
Edition of 8 Lot 324:
84" x 46" x 36"
ITEM Trova-24
Ernest Trova :: Walking Wrapman
1970 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 125:
16 1⁄2" x 7 3⁄4" x 4 1⁄2"
Edition of 8+2AP Lot 225:
32" x 12 1⁄2" x 7"
ITEM Trova-25
Ernest Trova :: Standing Wrapman
1986 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 126:
16 1⁄4" x 5" x 5"
Edition of 8+2AP Lot 226:
32" x 7" x 7"
ITEM Trova-26
Ernest Trova :: Standing Figure #3
1986 Bronze Edition of 9+1AP Lot 132:
15 3⁄4" x 4" x 3 1⁄2"
Edition of 9+1AP Lot 232:
30 1⁄2" x 8" x 7"
ITEM Trova-27
Ernest Trova :: Walking Figure #3
1986 Bronze Edition of 9+1AP Lot 133:
15 3⁄4" x 7 1⁄4" x 3 3⁄4"
Edition of 9+1AP Lot 233:
30 3⁄4" x 13 1⁄2" x 7 1⁄2"
Edition of 9+1A
ITEM Trova-28
Ernest Trova :: Double Flapman
1983 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 134:
14 1⁄2" x 6" x 4"
Edition of 8+2AP Lot 234:
28 1⁄4" x 10" x 6 1⁄2"
Edition of 3 Lot 334:
82" x 34" x 29 1⁄4"
ITEM Trova-29
Ernest Trova :: AWF #3
1986 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 135:
17" x 6 1⁄2" x 3 1⁄2"
Edition of 8+2AP Lot 235:
32 1⁄2" x 11" x 7"
Edition of 9 Lot 335:
78" x 34 3⁄8" x 27"
ITEM Trova-30
Ernest Trova :: Seated Figure II
1988 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 136:
7 3⁄4" x 10 3⁄8" x 3 1⁄2"
Edition of 8+2AP Lot 236:
15" x 16 1⁄4" x 10"
ITEM Trova-31
Ernest Trova :: Seated Figure III
1990 Stainless Steel Edition of 6+2AP Lot 137:
9" x 21" x 5 1⁄2"
Edition of 5 Lot 237:
16" x 41 1⁄2" x 7 1⁄2"
ITEM Trova-32
Ernest Trova :: Seated Figure IV
1990 Stainless Steel Edition of 6+2AP Lot 138:
7 1⁄2" x 15" x 5 1⁄2"
ITEM Trova-33
Ernest Trova :: Seated Figure V
1990 Stainless Steel Edition of 6+2AP Lot 139:
7" x 10" x 4 3⁄4"
ITEM Trova-34
Ernest Trova :: Seated Figure VI
1990 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 140:
7 1⁄2" x 10" x 4 3⁄4"
Edition of 8+2AP Lot 240:
13 3⁄4" x 19" x 10"
ITEM Trova-35
Ernest Trova :: Seated Figure VII
1990 Stainless Steel Lot 141:
7 1⁄2" x 9" x 3 3⁄4"
Lot 241:
19" x 10" x 14 1⁄4"
ITEM Trova-36
Ernest Trova :: Seated Figure VIII
1990 Stainless Steel Edition of 6+2AP Lot 142:
7 3⁄4" x 10 3⁄4" x 5 3⁄4"
ITEM Trova-37
Ernest Trova :: Seated Figure IX
1990 Stainless Steel Edition of 6+2AP Lot 143:
10" x 10" x 4"
Edition of 5 Lot 243:
15 1⁄2" x 24 1⁄2" x 5 3⁄4"
ITEM Trova-38
Ernest Trova :: Gox #3
1974-76 Stainless Steel Edition of 3 Lot 793:
108" x 61" x 20"
ITEM Trova-39
Ernest Trova :: Standing Jackman
1964 Stainless Steel Edition of 3+2AP Lot 227
29 1⁄2" x 48" x 48"
ITEM Trova-40
Ernest Trova :: Walking Jackman
1985 Stainless Steel Edition of 8+2AP Lot 128
17 3⁄4" x 23 1⁄2" x 21"
Edition of 8+2AP Lot 228
31" x 51" x 51"
ITEM Trova-41
Ernest Trova :: Figure with Half Circle
1982 Stainless Steel Edition of 3+1AP Lot 129
16 1⁄2" x 11 1⁄2" x 4 3⁄4"
ITEM Trova-42
Ernest Trova :: Walking Wrap Jackman
1987 Stainless Steel Edition of 3+1AP Lot 130
18" x 21" x 21"
Edition of 3+1AP Lot 230
32" x 51" x 51"

Ernest Trova Maquettes

ITEM Trova-43
Ernest Trova :: Gox Arch #4
1986 Cold-rolled steel painted in blue flattened epoxy with 3" white bronze figure Edition of 99+6AP Lot 500:
11" x 8" x 3"
ITEM Trova-44
Ernest Trova :: Figure with Cut Circle
1986 Polished Bronze Edition of 99+6AP Lot 503:
8" x 6 1⁄4" x 2 1⁄2"
ITEM Trova-45
Ernest Trova :: Study/Falling Man Double Figures
1986 Polished bronze Lot 504:
7 3⁄4" x 4 1⁄4" x 3 1⁄4"
Edition of 99+6AP
ITEM Trova-46
Ernest Trova :: Everything Follows Everything
1986 Polished Bronze Edition of 99+6AP Lot 505:
10" x 5" x 2"
ITEM Trova-47
Ernest Trova :: Study/Falling Man Figures in Frame
1987 Polished bronze Edition of 99+6AP Lot 506:
12 1⁄4" x 10 3⁄4" x 4"
ITEM Trova-48
Ernest Trova :: Standing Jackman #2
1986 Polished Bronze Edition of 99+6AP Lot 507:
8 3⁄8" x 11 1⁄4" x 11 1⁄4"
ITEM Trova-49
Ernest Trova :: Study/Falling Man Walking Jackman
1986 Stainless steel Edition of 99+6AP Lot 508:
9 3⁄16" x 11" x 12 1⁄4"
ITEM Trova-50
Ernest Trova :: Flowing Man
1972 Stainless Steel Edition of 99+6AP Lot 510:
6 3⁄4" x 19 1⁄2" x 3 1⁄2"
Lot 119:
13 1⁄2" x 39" x 7"
ITEM Trova-51
Ernest Trova :: Figure with Shadow #2
1987 Stainless Steel Edition of 99+6AP Lot 513:
7" x 24 1⁄2" x 10"
ITEM Trova-52
Ernest Trova :: Figure with Shadow #2
1987 Polished Bronze Edition of 99+6AP Lot 514:
6 1⁄2" x 24 1⁄2" x 10"
ITEM Trova-53
Ernest Trova :: Study/Falling Man Profile Canto #IV
1987 Cold-rolled steel with bronze figure Edition of 99+6AP Lot 530:
13" x 14 1⁄2" x 8 1⁄2"
ITEM Trova-54
Ernest Trova :: Study/Falling Man Profile Canto #83
Profile Canto #83 1987 Cold-rolled steel with nickel-plated bronze figure Edition of 99+6AP Lot 531:
14 1⁄2" x 11 1⁄4" x 6 3⁄4"
ITEM Trova-55
Ernest Trova :: Gox Arch #10
1987 Cold-rolled steel painted in white 3" white bronze figure Edition of 99+6AP Lot 537:
8 3⁄4" x 11 1⁄2" x 2 1⁄2"
ITEM Trova-56
Ernest Trova :: Gox #2
1987 Cold-rolled steel painted in black with 3" white bronze figure Edition of 99+6AP Lot 538:
11" x 8" x 3"
ITEM Trova-57
Ernest Trova :: Gox #11
1987 Cold-rolled steel painted in grey with 3" white bronze figure Edition of 99+6AP Lot 539:
11" x 9 1⁄4" x 3"
ITEM Trova-58
Ernest Trova :: Suspended Relief
1969 Polished brass on Plexiglas stand Edition of 175 Lot 543:
11" x 11" x 3"
ITEM Trova-59
Ernest Trova :: Shadow Figure
1971 Nickel-plated bronze shadow in blue-tinted and colorless Plexiglas box Edition of 150 Lot 544:
7" x 11" x 7 1⁄2"
ITEM Trova-60
Ernest Trova :: Profile Canto
1974 Painted corten steel with 3" white bronze figure Edition of 125 plus proofs Lot 545:
11" x 15 1⁄4" x 3"
ITEM Trova-61
Ernest Trova :: Tristan Gox
1976 Cold-rolled steel painted in black with 3" white bronze figure Edition of 125 plus proofs Lot 546:
11" x 8" x 2"

Ernest Trova Prints

ITEM Trova-Print 1
Ernest Trova :: Falling Man Variant 1970
36" x 36"
Signed and numbered in edition of 200
ITEM Trova-Print 2
Ernest Trova :: Green Sun 1978
Etching, aquatint and relief on paper
29 1⁄4" x 33 1⁄2"
Signed and numbered in edition of 90
ITEM Trova-Print 3
Ernest Trova :: Falling Man Manscapes Portfolio 1969
Portfolio of 10 Silkscreens: Falling Man Manscapes
28" x 28" each
Signed and numbered in edition of 175
ITEM Trova-Print 4
Ernest Trova :: Falling Man Manscapes Portfolio 1969
Portfolio of 10 Silkscreens: Falling Man Manscapes
28" x 28" each
Signed and numbered in edition of 175
ITEM Trova-Print 5
Ernest Trova :: Falling Man Manscapes Portfolio 1969
Portfolio of 10 Silkscreens: Falling Man Manscapes
28" x 28" each
Signed and numbered in edition of 175
ITEM Trova-Print 6
Ernest Trova :: Falling Man Manscapes Portfolio 1969
Portfolio of 10 Silkscreens: Falling Man Manscapes
28" x 28" each
Signed and numbered in edition of 175
ITEM Trova-Print 7
Ernest Trova :: Falling Man Manscapes Portfolio 1969
Portfolio of 10 Silkscreens: Falling Man Manscapes
28" x 28" each
Signed and numbered in edition of 175
ITEM Trova-Print 8
Ernest Trova :: Falling Man Manscapes Portfolio 1969
Portfolio of 10 Silkscreens: Falling Man Manscapes
28" x 28" each
Signed and numbered in edition of 175
ITEM Trova-Print 9
Ernest Trova :: Falling Man Manscapes Portfolio 1969
Portfolio of 10 Silkscreens: Falling Man Manscapes
28" x 28" each
Signed and numbered in edition of 175
ITEM Trova-Print 10
Ernest Trova :: Falling Man Manscapes Portfolio 1969
Portfolio of 10 Silkscreens: Falling Man Manscapes
28" x 28" each
Signed and numbered in edition of 175
ITEM Trova-Print 11
Ernest Trova :: Falling Man Manscapes Portfolio 1969
Portfolio of 10 Silkscreens Falling Man Manscapes
28" x 28" each
Signed and numbered in edition of 175
ITEM Trova-Print 12
Ernest Trova :: Falling Man Manscapes Portfolio 1969
Portfolio of 10 Silkscreens: Falling Man Manscapes
28" x 28" each
Signed and numbered in edition of 175
ITEM Trova-Print 13
Ernest Trova :: Mickey Mouse World 1968
(Blue Background) Silkscreen
23" x 29"
Signed and numbered in edition of 60
ITEM Trova-Print 14
Ernest Trova :: Mickey Mouse World 1968
(White Background) Silkscreen
23" x 29"
Signed and numbered in edition of 100
ITEM Trova-Print 15
Ernest Trova :: Perspective Shadow Man 1972
35" x 35"
Signed and numbered in edition of 150
ITEM Trova-Print 16
Ernest Trova :: Series 75 1975
Portfolio of 4 Silkscreens: Series 75
42" x 35" each
Signed and numbered in edition of 150
ITEM Trova-Print 17
Ernest Trova :: Series 75 1975
Portfolio of 4 Silkscreens: Series 75
42" x 35" each
Signed and numbered in edition of 150
ITEM Trova-Print 18
Ernest Trova :: Series 75 1975
Portfolio of 4 Silkscreens: Series 75
42" x 35" each
Signed and numbered in edition of 150
ITEM Trova-Print 19
Ernest Trova :: Series 75 1975
Portfolio of 4 Silkscreens: Series 75
42" x 35" each
Signed and numbered in edition of 150
ITEM Trova-Print 20
Ernest Trova :: Shadows, Planes and Targets 1972
Portfolio of 4 Silkscreens: Shadows, Planes and Targets
24" x 24" each
Signed and numbered in edition of 150
ITEM Trova-Print 21
Ernest Trova :: Shadows, Planes and Targets 1972
Portfolio of 4 Silkscreens: Shadows, Planes and Targets
24" x 24" each
Signed and numbered in edition of 150
ITEM Trova-Print 22
Ernest Trova :: Shadows, Planes and Targets 1972
Portfolio of 4 Silkscreens: Shadows, Planes and Targets
24" x 24" each
Signed and numbered in edition of 150
ITEM Trova-Print 23
Ernest Trova :: Shadows, Planes and Targets 1972
Portfolio of 4 Silkscreens: Shadows, Planes and Targets
24" x 24" each
Signed and numbered in edition of 150
ITEM Trova-Print 24
Ernest Trova :: Four Foot Falling Man 1973
70" x 37" each
Signed and numbered in edition of 150

Other Ernest Trova Artwork

ITEM Trova-Blue Jean Figure
Ernest Trova :: Blue Jean Figure
1961 Assemblage in Mixed media Unique
75" x 60"
ITEM Trova-Conway Twitty Came
Ernest Trova :: Conway Twitty Came
1961 Assemblage in Mixed media Unique
87 1⁄2" x 48 1⁄2"
ITEM Trova-Man With Fur Hat
Ernest Trova :: Man With Fur Hat
1961 Assemblage in Mixed media Unique
96 x 48"

Ernest Trova. Complete Paintings.

A stunning look at the paintings of Ernest Trova. With over 290 full illustrations in this wonderful book, it is sure to be a big hit for any Trova fan.
St. Louis, Mo. & New York:
Trova Foundation & Harry N. Abrams,
1978. 385 pp. 2nd edition. 292 illustrations.

Price: $150.00 Online Special: $100.00

Complimentary Trova book with any Trova artwork purchase

BUY MORE AND SAVE MORE! Call for details.
Ernest Trova Biography
Ernest Trova (1927-2009)
Ernest Tino Trova was born in St. Louis, Missouri, on February 19th, 1927 where he also passed away on March 9, 2009. His father was an industrial designer, an influence that was ultimately to play a significant role in Trova's art.
Trova attended no art schools, teaching himself, learning intuitively. Referring to his rejection of academic training, he has said- "Every kid draws but I became serious when I was about seventeen . . . . Art study had nothing to do with it. I haven't studied, and I don't think it's even necessary today. To paint a picture you don't have to have anybody tell you what to do. There's a combination of how people work. Half of it is instinct, and half of it is the thing you've acquired along the way, experience."
Trova was represented by Pace Gallery from 1963 to 1985 holding his first one man show in April 1963. Trova became one of the most sought-after sculptors of the 20th century breaking new ground with his "Falling Man" series.
Boca Raton Museum of Art (, Boca Raton, Florida, will be holding an Ernest Trova Retrospective April 11 through June 3, 2007.
“Forty years of paintings, graphics, assemblages and sculptures by American artist Ernest Trova (born in St. Louis 1927- ) reveal the artist’s infinite variations on the theme of universal man’s journey through life, from the apocalyptic expressionism of his visceral paintings from the late 1950s-60s to his part classical-part futuristic figure of Falling Man. Trova's figures function as metaphorical signs of rational man and his journey through life. These works embrace with quiet dignity and infinite variations and adaptations, the artist's lifelong investigation of man's movement through life, both individual and collective.”
Ernest Trova Press and Media Articles..
Artist's Body Of Work Represents An Ongoing Exploration Of The Human Condition

TEXT Courtney Powers Curtiss
Read Global Art News June 1993 Highlighting Ernest Trova

Keenly curious about the essence of man, artist Ernest Trova has spent a lifetime exploring the human form and condition. "Dealing with 'man' has been a preoccupation," Trova says. "Who is he? What is he? Why is he here?"

Trova's "Falling Man" is not idealized; he is real, imperfect and potentially frail. "The worth of man is how he manages," says Trova, explaining that he places his cut-and-hinged figures in a variety of environments and predicaments. "The question is: Can he keep his dignity wherever he finds himself?" Trova asks rhetorically.

His work depicts a transitory man who rises and falls, succeeds and fails, and yet perseveres. The circle and sphere - symbols of perfection, infinity and motion -contrast with imperfect man at the same time they represent his evolution, the cycle of life.

Trova began his focus on Falling Man in the early 1960s. After a number of experiments in other styles, his work changed in appearance, method and emotional impact. While Trova's work has been compared to that of the Surrealists, Robert Lococo, director of Lococo Mulder Fine Art Publishers, sees Trova's consistent focus on man as a manifestation of Pop Art. "The Falling Man image itself is something that came out of that time when you had artists reaching out to icons of the time and reproducing them," Lococo says. "What this artist did was create his own icon and manipulate it, in a sense making it new."

Lococo suggests that Trova and Andy Warhol were, in some ways, very much alike. "They were both obsessive collectors. Absorbing all of that, regurgitating it and putting it all back out was what was so marvelous about their work, and what does so much to interpret the age and time in which we live," he says.

Failing Man's appearance and media belie Trova's true purpose. He does not see man as a robot. The fact that Falling Man looks technological, if anything, places him more self-consciously in the present - his, and our, contemporary reality.

Trova prefers that we study his entire body of work rather than individual pieces. His philosophy puts the journey ahead of the destination, and though his "studies" represent an exhaustive and ongoing exploration, resolution is not important.

While his development from one series to the next may look deliberate, it represents the natural progression of the artist's vision and expansion of his resources. From the beginning. Trova used whatever medium was on hand. When he had fewer resources, he used junk; when he had a staff of electricians, he explored kinetic art.

Although Trova's "man" still has a hold on the artist's imagination, his art has recently taken another form, stepping backward, "with more Ex-pressionism," he says, "really a return to some of the things from the '50s, or rather, a completion of them. "

Fifteen to 20 works from Trova's new series of paintings, "Friends," will be on exhibit at Lococo Mulder Fine Art Publishers in St. Louis from Sept. 17 through October. In addition, the Boca Raton Museum of Art's exhibition, "Ernest Trova: Sculpture and Prints from the Museum's Permanent Collection," will run from Sept. 22 to Oct. 31.

Trova's works can be found in many prestigious collections, including The Metropolitan Museum of Art and The Museum of Modem Art in New York; and Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden and the National Museum of American Art in Washington, D.C. In Florida, Trova's works can be seen at the Society of the Four Arts, Palm Beach; The Philharmonic Center for the Arts, Naples; and the Boca Raton Museum of Art.
Entering his sixth decade as an artist, Trova has always been interested in the essence of humanity. But he recognizes that life should be lived beyond one's work. "Painting and art is one thing, and then there's domestic life and all the things that go along with that," he says. "Life is a lot more than just one thing."

The soft-spoken artist bows to the sentiment of poet Ezra Pound when he says, "Whatever you do, live art, do it every day, but don't talk about it. He's probably right. The more you talk about art, the more diluted it becomes. Art is something to be seen, and it's really hard to discuss it without getting in trouble."

For details on the Boca Raton Museum exhibit, call 561/392-2500.

Read Global Art News June 1993 Highlighting Ernest Trova

Friedland Art, Inc.

Friedland Art is a wholesale distributor of fine art.
Friedland Art owns the largest collection of Ernest Trova artwork in the world.
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